Mt. Airy Baptist Church
Pastor Willis A. Brown Teacher/Preacher
2012 N. 69th. Ave Philadelphia, Pa. 19138 215 549-2200

Women's Study & Growth

Pastor's Table

Disciples of Truth & Solid Rock

Husband & Wives Ministry

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Bread Of Life Ministry
7am Sunrise Service FIRST SUNDAY
8am Pastor's Table Baptism
8:30-9:25am Breakfast The Lord's Supper
8:45am Fulfillment Hour Right Hand of Fellowship
9:45am Devotion
Children's Church & EVERY 4TH SUNDAY
10:00am Call To Worship 7am-8am Family Prayer
6pm Bread of Life Ministry 10:00am Bible Study
6:30pm Disciples of Truth 11:30am Morning Prayer
7:00 Solid Rock Ministry
WEDNESDAYS 6:30pm Fulfillment Hour Spiritual Gifts Class
7:00pm Bible Study
8:00pm Church Family Prayer
6:30pm Youth Bible Study 1st. Sat. Women's Study & Growth Class 9:30 am
7:00pm Family Fellowship Night 2nd. Sat. Reading Circle 10am-12pm
(4th. Friday each month) 3rd. Sat. Husband & Wives Ministry 1:00pm
Starts @ 10:00am. This ministry is open to children ages 2-9 years old. Parents are asked to escort their children to Stevenson-Williams Hall.