Mt. Airy Baptist Church
Pastor Willis A. Brown Teacher/Preacher
2012 N. 69th. Ave Philadelphia, Pa. 19138 215 549-2200
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The Mt. Airy Baptist Church Family Praise the Lord Jesus for this visible vision (GALA)
Named GALA because our members were reaching and surpassing a certain age in our congregation. We began to call them "Golden Agers", thank the Lord for the memories of them all. We also declare "GALA" to their memories.
We are pleased to have you all as residents of GALA and want you to know, we are here to represent our Lord Jesus, and provide for you as extended members "spiritual service".
Our essential ministries in-house are:
1. Sunday Morning Prayer 7AM
2. Pastor's Study Table 8AM
3. Sunday Fulfillment Hour 8:45AM
4. Orientation Class 9AM
5. Sunday Call To Worship 10AM
6. Tuesday Bible Study 10AM & 6PM
Virtual Media Outreach: Facebook, YouTube and the church Website www.mtairybaptistchurchwol.org
1. Fulfillment Studies 9AM
2. Sunday Worship (streaming) 10AM
3. Overcomers/Discipleship Class via ZOOM
Meeting #964 964 7004
Passcode: 539680